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Por Reda��o do ge � Madri

05/12/2023?? 13h14 Atualizado 05/ dezembro/ 2023

Um promotor espanhol solicitou pena de quatro anos de pris�o para torcedores?? do Atl�tico de Madrid por crime de �dio cometido contra Vinicius Junior em janeiro deste ano. Trata-se do lament�vel epis�dio?? em que um boneco com a camisa do brasileiro foi pendurado em uma ponte

hist�rico na luta contra o racismo

+ Vinicius?? Junior: "Se eu for o �nico contra a racismo, o sistema vai me esmagar"

Na ocasi�o, membros de um grupo radical?? do Atl�tico ainda estenderam uma faixa com a frase "Madrid odeia o Real", pouco antes de cl�ssico entre as equipes?? v�lido pelo Campeonato Espanhol. O Atl�tico de Madrid condenou o ato, e o real pediu puni��o. A LaLiga, a Federa��o?? Espanhola e outras entidades tamb�m repudiaram o

cl�ssico com Real Madrid �
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Em comunicado do Minist�rio P�blico, quatro pessoas foram?? acusadas por amea�as contra Vinicius Junior e por violarem direitos fundamentais, em "sinal inequ�voco de desprezo e rep�dio � cor?? da pele da v�tima e uma tentativa de minarpix pokerstarspaz de esp�rito".

Os quatro acusados se recusarem a testemunhar quando?? foram presos em maio, mas foram libertados ap�s pagamento de fian�a. Eles foram proibidos de se aproximarem ou de

e tamb�m?? foram impedidos de irem a jogos nos est�dios dos dois clubes.

eeTamb�m foram impedido de ir a viagens a est�dios nos?? uniformes dos 2 clubes, mas n�o se pode negar que os torcedores do Flamengo e do Fluminense tamb�m s�o respons�veis?? por esse problema, que � recorrente no futebol brasileiro.�

E tamb�m foi impedidos, em epis�dio ocorrido em janeiro, torcedores de Flamengo,?? Fluminense e Fluminense foram expulsos do est�dio do Maracan�, no Rio de Janeiro, por causa de uma confus�o

Atl�tico de Madrid?? penduraram um boneco com a camisa do atacante, simulando enforcamento

Novo Ram�n S�nchez Pizju�n ter� capacidade para 55 mil pessoas, e?? previs�o � de que as obras comecem em 2026

Emprestado ao Barcelona, atacante portugu�s relembra passagem dif�cil pelo clube da capital.?? Simeone evita pol�mica: "N�o falo de jogadores rivais"

Destaque do Real Madrid na temporada, ingl�s atribui boa fase ao t�cnico italiano?? e cita dificuldade para falar

R�ger Guedes deixa torcedor do Corinthians com saudades, e artilheiro do �nico invicto da Europa tem?? apoio especial na arquibancada

RR�m�gER Guedes deixou torcedor de Corinthians...com saudades e com a torcida do Tim�o com o maior n�mero?? de torcedores do mundo, o Corinthians tem um apoio extra especial para o Bar�a vencer e assumir a terceira posi��o?? na LaLiga

Atacante faz valer a "Lei do Ex" e, junto com os goleiro I�aki Pe�a,

Tempo Real no ge a partir?? das 17h (hor�rio de Bras�lia)

Tempo real no Ge a a seguinte das 18h30 (hora local) e participa diretamente dos gols?? da vit�ria do time catal�o, vice-l�der do Espanhol

Lateral-direito brasileiro entra aos 36 do segundo tempo e participam diretamente os gols?? de vit�ria da equipe catal�o ( vice -l�der

Atacante brasileiro balan�a a rede pelo quinto jogo consecutivo pelo time da capital,?? � frente do Girona pelo saldo de

2400h freq� freq� freq��ncia, dvvllidere nem mesmo vididin, dh d' conseq� conseq�,, mnem nem??

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    Deep Dive #1

    Hold'em No Limit



    Hero raises toR$0.15

    2 players fold

    1 fold







    (2 players)

    SB betsR$0.25

    Hero raises toR$0.60


    (2 players)



    SB folds

    Broad Strategy View





    Hand?? Specific View

    I want to look at

    the following hand through two different lenses.1) Through the lense of broader

    strategy. With?? regard to minimum defensefrequency and dividing my whole range I am

    playing in this spot in different partsfor different actions.2)?? Through a hand specific

    lense. What is best with this certain hand in thissituation, vs the estimated range of

    Villain.PokerStars,-R$0.02/$0.05?? - 5 playersUTG (Hero):R$11.96 (239 bb)CO:R$3.37 (67

    bb)BU:R$17.41 (348 bb)SB:R$4.29 (86 bb)BB:R$5.00 (100 bb)($0.07) Hero is UTG with J, SB

    ?? callsR$0.13,($0.35) ASB checks,($0.35) K, SB callsR$0.35($1.55) JSB checks,$1.55

    (Rake:R$0.06)UTG (Hero) winsR$1.49My standard opening range from HJ on a table like

    ?? this, where there is noclear reason for adjustments looks like

    this66+,A2s+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,ATo+,KJo+First problem I have in this hand is

    estimating SB's?? calling range.For an opponent who also 3bets some I came up with

    this:JJ-77, AQs-A9s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, AQo-ATo,?? KJo+, QJoWith the flop coming

    AI want to figure out, which parts of my rangeI want to bet and which?? parts I want to

    check.Genreally my approach is betting the strongest hands, hands that have equityon

    the flop but need?? a ton of protection and my weakest hands which still have some

    equity.I figured looking at our equity heatmap might?? be interestingAfter looking at the

    heatmap, I came up with this plan for betting and checkingwith our range:red =

    betting88-66,?? AdAh, AdAc, AhAc, ThTs, ThTc, TsTc, AdKd, AhKh, AcKc, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc,

    KcQc, AdJd, AhJh, AcJc, KcJc, QdJd, QsJs, QcJc,?? AhTh, AcTc, KcTc, Ah9h, Ah8h, Ah7h,

    Ah6h, Ah5h, Ad4d, Ah4h, Ah3h, Ah2h, KJo, AdKh, AdKs, AdKc, AhKd, AhKs, AhKc, AcKd,

    ?? AcKh, AcKs, AdQh, AdQs, AdQc, AhQd, AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJh, AdJs, AdJc,

    AhJd, AhJs, AhJc, AcJd, AcJh, AcJs,?? AdTh, AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTsother =

    checkingKK-JJ, 99, 98s, 87s, KdQd, KhQh, KsQs, KdJd, KhJh, KsJs, QhJh, KhTh,?? KsTs,

    QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc, Ad9d, Ac9c, Th9h, Ts9s, Tc9c, Ad8d, Ac8c, Ad7d,

    Ac7c, Ad6d, Ac6c, Ad5d, Ac5c,?? Ad3d, Ac3c, Ad2d, Ac2c, KQoSo we would bet 59% and check

    41% of our range.As you can see, JJ would?? be in the checking range, so I'm fine with my

    in game decision.Other reasons are, that it is probably pretty?? close on a broadway

    heavy rainbow board to get a value bet vs Villains calling range.Depending on what he

    continues?? with we have at max 52% equity vs hiscontinuing range.Other than that, if we

    get x/r'ed there is probably no?? way to continue andVillain would be able to deny us all

    of our equity.Turn comes the KNot to good for?? our checking range on the flop as we lose

    as massive amounton this turn card.Villain bets 71% pot so we?? have a MDF of 41%.So

    looking at our heatmap again to construct raising, calling and folding ranges.Could

    come up with?? a plan like thisred = raiseKdKh, KdKs, KhKs, QhJh, Ac9c, Ac8c, Ac7c, Ac6c,

    Ac5c, Ac3c, Ac2cbrown = callQQ, KdQd, KhQh,?? KsQs, KdJd, KhJh, KsJs, KhTh, KsTs, Ad9d,

    Ad8d, Ad7d, Ad6d, Ad5d, Ad3d, Ad2d, KdQh, KdQs, KdQc, KhQd, KhQs, KhQc, KsQd,?? KsQh,

    KsQcblue = foldJJ, 99, 98s, 87s, QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JhTh, JsTs, JcTc, Th9h, Ts9s,

    Tc9cThis would leave me at?? 64% of my range I am defending but with card removal effects

    this hits exactly 41%.So from the lense of?? broader strategy, calling JJ here is

    probably a mistake.Nothing to add, still a standard open from this position.If I would

    ?? bet on this flop, which part of Villains range would call a bet?This is something I'm

    still struggling with, but?? let's give it a try.yellow = callJdJc, ThTs, ThTc, TsTc,

    KQs, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc, AdJd, AcJc, KdJd, KcJc, QdJd, QcJc,?? AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs,

    KcTc, QhTh, QsTs, QcTc, JcTc, Ad9d, Ah9h, Ac9c, Th9h, Ts9s, Tc9c, KQo, AdQh, AdQs,

    AdQc, AhQd,?? AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJc, AhJd, AhJc, AcJd, AdTh, AdTs, AdTc,

    AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs, KdJc, KhJd, KhJc, KsJd,?? KsJc, KcJd, QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd,

    QsJc, QcJdI guess he calls all TPs, Ts, GS and JJ and gets rid?? of under pockets and

    98s. I hope this is reasonable.Vs this range we do clearly not have a value bet?? w/ JJ

    as we only have 44% equity.So I guess check is the best option. Also we do have a

    ?? decent amount of showdown value and depending on T and R we might be able to get to SD

    ahead?? and don't want to overplay this hand.The K on the turn helps him immensly. Also I

    think he could take?? a stab at the pot with close to his entire range.We do have 6 outs

    vs his pairs and two?? pairs and sets of TT and 3 to chop if he holds QJ (which we

    block).I'm really kind of lost?? in this spot, don't know if we can call or it's always a

    fold. But I'm pretty sure that raising?? is not the best option.Problem with raising is,

    that we isolate ourself vs his better hands.This is what I see?? him calling

    definitely:brown = callThTs, ThTc, TsTc, QdJd, QcJc, AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs, AdTh,

    AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs,?? QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd, QsJc, QcJdThis is what he

    could call if he is not only calling two pair+ThTs, ThTc,?? TsTc, AdQd, AhQh, AcQc, KdQd,

    KhQh, KsQs, AdJd, AcJc, KdJd, QdJd, QcJc, AhTh, AcTc, KhTh, KsTs, Ad9d, Ah9h, Ac9c,

    AdQh,?? AdQs, AdQc, AhQd, AhQs, AhQc, AcQd, AcQh, AcQs, AdJc, AhJd, AhJc, AcJd, AdTh,

    AdTs, AdTc, AhTs, AhTc, AcTh, AcTs, KdQh,?? KdQs, KdQc, KhQd, KhQs, KhQc, KsQd, KsQh,

    KsQc, KdJc, KhJd, KhJc, KsJd, KsJc, QdJc, QhJd, QhJc, QsJd, QsJc, QcJdAgainst either

    ?? continuing range we're crushed. In the first case we would at least have enough FE, but

    I doubt that he?? calls that tight on my (too) small raise.Rivering a set usually is

    nice. But here there is just no way?? we do have a value bet against his calling range.We

    do not even have a value bet against his whole?? range OTR.So I guess the best play would

    have been to check behind and get to SD withthe best hand?? a good amount of the

    time.Played it right on 50% of the street.Bad play on Turn and River, just got

    ?? lucky.Gotta think more about why I'm betting ingame and about if I have value FEor

    whatever to justify my bets.Also?? gotta do some serious work on bet sizes. Just a mess

    at the moment.I know it's a wall of text?? and probably pretty convoluted, but I wanted

    to share with you how I work through a hand if I really?? think about it in depth.Maybe

    someone spots some logic flaws or misconceptions, then I'd be more than happy if you

    ?? call me out.(wouldn't be suprised if nobody wants to read that much text thoughNow on

    to the review of yesterdays?? session and then to the tables.See yall and GL

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